NBI - NEPAL Delegations Explores & Learning of Microbanking in BRI Through BRIEF Program by BRI Research Institute

BRI Research Institute welcomed the visit of the National Banking Institute (NBI) Nepal delegations on Wednesday, November 16th 2022. The visit was also accompanied by the Indonesian Banking Development Institute (LPPI). The purpose of this visit was to get executive education and exposure programs for microfinance in Indonesia. The event was taking place at Sriwijaya Hall, BRI Research Institute. The delegations from NBI Nepal had a session to share the successful experience of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia as a pioneer bank in the field of micro-banking in Indonesia and In the world.

The event was attended by 13 delegates from Nepal National Banking Institute (NBI) and 3 representatives from LPPI. The event also implementing strict health protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, such as wearing masks and maintain distance between participants. The event was opened by Mr. Anton Hendranata, President Director of BRI Research Institute and Ms. Retno Wijayanti, Director of LPPI.

The topics in the sessions were microfinance process and risk management in microfinance and visiting BRI digital transformation. For the delegates, this session provides insight to understand Microfinance Big Data management at BRI and BRI microfinance activities, especially in the portfolio of microbanking in the MSME segment (medium, small and micro enterprises). The session was presented in English and then there was a question and answer (Q&A) session that participants could use to obtain information as needed.

The event ended with a short tour of the BRI office park and group photo session.