Cortesy Visit : Government Saving Bank Thailand

On March 8th, 2023, BRI received a visit from the Government Saving Bank (GSB) of Thailand. There were 11 participants who attended this event. The visit was aimed at obtaining information on how BRI as a bank runs its business. The visit took place at the BRI head office building, Central Jakarta. The activity was carried out with remarks delivered by the President of BRI Research Institute, Mr. Anton Hendranata.

The event began with an explanation about BRI Research Institute Company Profile by Ms. Miryati Safitri -BRI Research Institute and Credit Regulations in Indonesia by Mr. Roberto Akyuwen - OJK.

There was also a presentation on Microbanking Overview, the Government's National Economic Recovery Program for Indonesian MSMEs, Ultra Micro and risk management. The activity lasted 8 hours and ended with a group photo of all participants at the BRI Research Institute.