Cortesy Visit: Ibear 45 from USC Marshall University, California, AS

As the largest state-owned bank engaged in micro banking in Indonesia, PT. Bank BRI (persero) Tbk became the destination for the International Education and Research (IBEAR) Marshall School of Business, University of South California batch 45.

On December 12, 2022, BRIef received visits from International Education and Research (IBEAR) Marshall School of Business University of South California batch 45. The visiting participants were 50 people from 12 countries, the average age of the participants is 36 years, and 13 years of work. The visit aims to obtain information on how BRI runs its business. The visit took place in the Majapahit Room and began with a welcome speech delivered by the President Director of the BRI Research Institute, Mr. Anton Hendranata. It ended with the handover of souvenirs by Mr. Anton Hendranata to Dr. Richard Drobnick-Director of the IBEAR MBA Program at USC Marshall School of Business.

The presentation began with an explanation of the BRI Research Institute Company Profile by Mrs. Miryati Safitri - the Assistant Vice President, and on BRI Business by Mrs. Ety Yuniarti - Senior Vice President of BRI.

Then in the evening, a deep conversation was held between Dr. Richard Drobnick and the BRI Research Institute represented by Mr. Zulfikar Nazara (Director of BRIRins Technical Assistance) and several BRIRins Leaders, namely Mrs. Miryati Safitri, Nilam Nirmala Anggraini and Mrs. Syifa Syafiatunnisa regarding business opportunities that exist at the USC Marshal School of Business and other universities connected to Dr. Richard Drobnick who can be worked on by BRIRins.